Our Philosophy

Litigation is not for the faint of heart. It is serious business. Serious claims and just causes should be advanced. Lawsuits are not lottery tickets or public relation campaigns. We have a close connection with our clients. Larmer Jackson does not take every client that needs legal representation. Our selection criterion ensures a proper fit for lawyer and client. At Larmer Jackson you will find solutions. You will find creative thinkers. And you will be taken in a bold strategic direction to achieve your goals. If fancy advertisements or TV commercials are how you make important decisions then we are not the lawyers for you. We are defined by what we do and we have earned a reputation for what we do not do:

We do not sell our services on TV



We do not promise big and deliver little


We do not abandon you on the courthouse steps

Trees and lakeCalm lake

We do not brag about court victories or large settlements



We do not pay people or businesses to send clients our way

Lake rocks


We do not take cases “to see what we can get”


We do not ask for endorsements or purchase credentials


We do not tell you that we are better than anyone else

Fall leaves and rocks


We do not have billboards or a catchy jingle

Loons on lake


We do not refer clients to other lawyers for a fee